Saturday, March 17, 2007

What's good for you?

It's all the rave less fatty foods, get at least 30 minutes of exercise at least 3 times a week, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, etc. In today's fast paced world, one has to really be conscious to make these things happen. It's too easy to stop at fast food restaurants while on the way to the children's activities, and who has time to look into finding healthy recipes and cooking? Exercise is also pushed aside because of our busy lives. But it's critical that we take care of our bodies and those that we care for. I recently heard that we will outlive this generation of children because of what they are putting in their bodies! Amazing isn't it? I want to be a resource for those who don't have time to read a whole nutrition magazine or search for recipes. I enjoy reading about nutrition and health and i'd like to pass it on to those also interested.

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