It was a fun Christmas as L. is almost 14 months old. She knew how to "open" her presents by pulling the paper. We spent the day with Tom's family and it was fun watching L. interact with all the family members. L. got this cute red hat from one of her great Aunts. We ended up with a white Christmas and no troubles getting around on the roads as was predicted. It was a great time!
We had a fun week meeting with a new mom's meet up group, visiting people at my previous work, having the neighbors over for a party, having Tom's parents over for dinner and then visiting with Tom's aunt who loves to see L. We are blessed indeed!
L. just turned 13 months. She is becoming more expressive - showing excitement over seeing certain things (animals, balloons, etc). She also says a few words and now points to things in books. She just cut her 5th tooth as well.We put up our tree this weekend and decorated the house. So far L. hasn't seem too interested in the tree. I'm looking forward to fun holiday activities including having friends over from MTW for a visit, Christmas music and programs, enjoying time with L during the season and spending time with Tom's family for Christmas.
We enjoyed time with my family in AL for Thanksgiving. L. did well in her travels and enjoyed seeing her cousins. We stopped in Auburn on the way back and saw Toomers Corner rolled from the big AU/AL game. It sure had a lot of toilet paper on it for a holiday weekend when most students were away!
Tom and I met 5 years ago the first weekend in November. We drove up to the highest point in GA this year. There was snow on the ground in the shady areas on top of the mountain!
We enjoyed having Mom here for the weekend to celebrate L's birthday. We had a fun time with family and friends opening gifts and eating a farm animal theme cake. I was surprised that she dug right into the icing on the cake and ate a good bit of the cake. She really loved the ball that Melanie gave her. She also received a couple of toys to use when walking/to help her walk. She took an extra long nap after cake and celebrating.
We enjoyed a beautiful fall day by going to a pumpkin patch, swinging at a park and walking a dog in the park. L. really likes to be outside and will go to the glass sliding door just to look out. She is understanding more and communicating that to us. She loves to explore and we have to watch her closely as silence usually means trouble. We're looking forward to celebrating her birthday in just a few weeks. This time last year we were busy trying to tie up loose ends in preparation for her arrival and doing something fun together every weekend. She continues to bring us great joy.
L. turns 11 months tomorrow. I've already ordered her birthday cake - farm animal theme since she loves the old mcdonald song. I'm enjoying making some new mommy friends and walking with them or hanging out in the park. L. can now climb steps in just a few seconds. She continues to cruise around but no walking yet. She is eating more finger foods these days. She says some syllables too. We're enjoying getting out in the cooler weather. We celebrated our 4th anniversary by going out to dinner and dancing.
Fall is my favorite season - cooler weather and AU football. I look forward to being outdoors more with L. We spent some time outside having a picnic. The mosquitoes were pretty bad so we didn't stay out too long. Also we got a good laugh out of this one picture of L's hair. She's gotten enough hair now that she can have a funky hairdo sometimes after a nap.
We enjoyed a weekend away in Lake Guntersville to celebrate a 60th wedding anniversary. It was fun to be together as a family and reflect on all those years of marriage. L. had fun getting to know all her cousins. The weather was perfect and the view of the lake was beautiful!
Today L. is 10 months. My friend Laurel came over for a visit and brought her 2 little ones. L. loves to clap her hands and will now crawl away from us squealing as we chase her. Tom and I enjoyed an afternoon together recently while L. stayed at my in-laws. It was nice to get out together. I'm very thankful for my in-laws.